Friday, September 9, 2011

30 Years to Bloom

This plant is one that my Mother gave me 30 years ago (actually it is more like 31 years, but 30 year plant sounds better).  

So I have had this plant for 30 years and I like it.  It is a succulent  so it can dry out and not suffer.  I liked it because of its look.  It had never bloomed.  That is, until a few days ago when my wife said, "Chuck, look at this."  I was amazed.  It sure looked like a bloom forming, a big bloom forming.

So now we have a beautiful plant with a bloom to be and I am thinking, "who knew it would bloom?"  

When I talked to my wife yesterday she said, "It opened!" When I looked at it, I thought, "Wow! what a blossom!"

I didn't actually measure the blossom, but it is at least six inches across.  Wonderful gift from my mother 30 years ago. She passed away 16 years ago and part of why I like it and keep it is to remember her.  I wonder if she knew it would bloom?  However, God knew and it is a gift from Him.  Good things come to he who waits.  

God bless you from Grants Pass Real Estate.  Bye for now.  chuck
P.S. Mother and Dad's wedding anniversary was today, September 9th.  They were married in 1931.
P.P.S. I never knew the name of this plant, but a friend did a search and found it.  It is called Stapelia gigantic, also known as the carrion flower since it attracts flies for pollination by its foul-smelling flowers reminiscent of the odour of rotting meat (I need to tell my wife, she thought the smell was me).  It is native to South Africa. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Daffodils! Spring is here!

Spring is here.  the daffodils have been in full bloom for a while now.  I am putting up a few recent pictures of some of ours.  Daffodils are great flowers.  They are poison so the deer won't eat the blossoms and the gophers and moles won't eat the bulbs.  They multiply and come up year after year.  They do need some cooling hours so if you live in a warm climate, you will need to dig them up and put them in your freezer for a month each year and then replant them.  Fortunately, here in Grants Pass Real Estate we have a mild winter that is enough to make the daffodils and tulips bloom.
They come in a variety of colors from white to yellow to orange.  There are also double blooms and fancy blooms.  I have a few of those that are starting to bloom.  When they come out fully I'll put some more pictures up.
They are always cheerful flowers.  Just the thing for spring to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face.  So long for now from Grants Pass Real Estate.  

Monday, February 28, 2011


 We had our first snow of the year recently.  On February 10th, 2011 I woke up to about 6 inches of snow at my house.  As I drove to town the snow got less and less until in Grants Pass there was only about an inch.  The home base for Grants Pass Real Estate is about 8 miles west of Grants Pass.  So at my house and in Merlin and Selma and Cave Junction we got snow.  Grants Pass and near Grants Pass had only a little.  By the afternoon, the snow was off the roads and by Saturday the 12th the snow had melted entirely (except for the snowman who hung in there for a few days more).
The snow was wet and stuck to the  trees which made for some lovely pictures.
                                                                                                                                             When I was a  kid, I grew up in Iowa and we had snow and then more snow and more snow throughout the winter.  It was fun for a while but soon got old.  Here in Grants Pass Real Estate we get snow once or twice a year and it doesn't hang around long.  So it remains fun to have snow.
What  could be better than to have enough snow for fun and beauty and yet have it go away before it becomes a bother?  That is winter in Grants Pass Real Estate.
So long for now.