Now that Snow Leopard has been out for a while, I have a few comments. First, by way of full disclosure, I have been a Mac user since 1989. I became a real estate agent and had to use a computer. The first one I used was a windows machine using DOS. A real pain and more user unfriendly than anything windows now. But then I got a Mac, an SE, which worked and was fun to use.
In 2001 with the advent of OS X 10.0 the computing world changed radically. The original OS X was Cheetah in January 2001, followed in September 2001 by Puma, followed in August 2002 by Jaguar, followed by Panther in October 2003, followed by Tiger in April 2005, followed by Leopard in October 2007 and Snow Leopard in August 2009.
All the various iterations worked well with each succeeding iteration working better than the last one.
During this time Microsoft was plodding along with XP (which admittedly was better than Windows 98) and promising year after year that they would have a new wonderful version codenamed Longhorn. When Steve Jobs introduced Tiger he commented that you know what happens when a Tiger goes up against a Longhorn. Shortly thereafter, Microsoft announced the new name was Vista. After five years in production it came out in January 2007 with much fanfare and a thudding response. Many corporations refused to update to Vista because of its many problems. Eventually Microsoft stopped selling XP to force adoption of Vista. Now they are coming out with Windows 7 (basically lipstick on the Vista pig) which is meant to fix all the things wrong with Vista.
Installing Snow Leopard was easy and quick. I put the DVD in, clicked a few times, and 45 minutes later I had a new computer. It made my computer (an iMac that I bought in 2006) faster in many areas and gave me back 11 gigabytes in disk space. Snow Leopard was meant to be a refinement of Leopard. So Apple charged only $30 for the upgrade. A great deal for a small price. I keep finding little enjoyable surprises about how things work--it is like being on an extended Easter egg hunt.
I don't have Windows 7 and won't go there ( I use XP that I run on Parallels for the few Windows applications that I need to run) but I have heard that it is very difficult to install. From Microsoft's website Windows 7 will cost $119.99,or $199.99, or $219.99 depending on the version you use. (Apple has one price for Snow Leopard--$30.00) If you would like to pay a lot and have a difficult time installing and an inferior OS once installed, then go for Windows 7.
However, that is not my choice.
So long from Grants Pass Real Estate.