Friday, May 1, 2009

Good Morning!

When I got up this morning I looked out the window and saw a beautiful bird, yellow with black accents, sitting on the magnolia in the midst of the green lawn and then moments later a hummingbird flew by in a glint of red to say hello and went to the other window to greet my wife before buzzing off.

It rained overnight so everything was fresh. Even though I had turned on the sprinkler system just last night (I'll need to check all the heads to see if they are functioning since this is the first time the system has run since last fall). First I thought it was just the sprinklers, but the smell and the driveway being wet all gave me clues as to the reality of the situation, God had straightened up His living room overnight.

Part of the joys of owning your own piece of ground, your own real estate. Have you really thought about that term "real estate?" Real, yes this is real, tangible, it exists--not made up, you can't make any more (a scientist says to God, "I can do anything you can do. In fact, I can create life." God says, "OK, go ahead." The scientist bends down and starts scraping some dirt together when God says, "Wait a minute. Get your own dirt."), you can buy it, you can sell it, you can use it, you can give it to your kids or anyone else you want to in your will. Estate... piece of land. To the center of the earth and up into the sky.

The picture in the header is of our garden and yard. We are caretakers of it for God who made it and gave it to us to use for the time being.


1 comment:

  1. Nice site Chuck!

    Yes God does make our way perfect...
    he led us here to this beautiful piece of land with YOUR help!
    Always thankful,
